Week 2 Predictions
Well that certainly was an eventful first week of the Spring season. The rain held off for much of the day, and allowed us to get all the games in. The bar scene at $3 Deweys was a great success, several teams rallied their troops and made it out to what turned out to be an eventful evening full of Icings (the DTGW rookies all got Iced), VE shots, someone even won some cash! week 1 predictions record 6-3 Week 2: Light House: OBSK v VS - both teams started off slow outta the gate, but look for VS to bounce back with a stellar performance (OBSK 2 VS 4) EBAD v TWSS - EBAD in week 1 looked like their was no dust to wipe off from their 3 season hiatus and started out hot, this week they take on another veteran team in TWSS who put up a solid week 1 outing. (EBAD 6 TWSS 3) RAB v SP - Both teams started in the right direction, both getting convincing wins in week 1, look for both teams to produce runs in week 2. (RAB 3 SP 4) KIAB v PBC - KIAB started the seas...