Preseason Rankings and More!
Well, well, well what do we have here? Don't call it a comeback just yet but it's possibly a comeback. Welcome to the Ghost Man on Third. Disclaimer: This is meant to be funny. 100% of the things I write on here are in good fun and are not meant to be taken seriously. I know some of you millennials are super sensitive so if you really don't want to be mentioned in this weekly (maybe bi-weekly) write up... Just lemme know. There's a good chance that if I have never met you or in the rare case, I don't like you, that you will not get mentioned here. With that being said, if you do want to make the GMoT, just get out there and have fun, get drunk and make bad decisions... Or buy me beer. A new season is upon us this week assuming Parks & Rec aren't a bunch of dicks because it rained for 15 minutes 3 days ago. With a new season comes a new commissioner, Justin. Seems like WAKA goes through commi...