Superhero Championship Week Predictions

We are down to our final 4 in the Superhero Playoffs this week. We had some upsets last week and we almost had a major upset (NDW 3-2 on a walk off). Regardless, we are down to our best 4. Will there be any upsets this week? Who's JSparks gonna toss from the NDW/CHITE game? Will Mashaker even remember one Thursday this season? Let's find out. As before, these are all in good fun. If you take any of this seriously, please retire from kickball.

No Dead Weight vs. Catch Her in the Eye

NDW had a pretty good scare last week with Running on Empties, just squeaking by 3-2. This could very well be RoE playing if Grady Little didn't leave JSparks in one inning too long. These guys play defense and get referees to quit better than anyone. With a steady dose of speed and aggressiveness on the base paths also. CHITE sports a solid defense and very good trash talking which could work against them with NDW. Catcher Tim should keep this game competitive and we know they will have their A line up in (See last weeks preview). There will be a few tough mudder headbands worn in this game, but CHITE will need an obstacle course between home and first to stop the top of NDW's lineup. Kerry will be throwing lasers and Houghton may even get a chance to walk someone this week as NDW rolls 5-1. Natural Light Man (or Woman) of the Match: Scott Janco. For being thrown out of the game before his first at bat and avoiding the inevitable 0-3 with a fielding error performance.

Exotic Pet Owners vs. WAKA Shame

WAS sported a less than stunning upset last week as Matt Shaker kept his Gehrig like blackout streak alive. While EPO cruised over SpringTeaing despite Floyd unsuccessfully hitting on half the team. WAS has ton of speed at the top and a short fused catcher who's probably getting tossed from this game. EPO is built just like they've always been with speed at the top, some of the best players around at the skill positions (Steve Ginn, Adie), and a bunch of people no one knows or cares about (Faley). This one could come down to whether or not Shaker's cousin mows the fields this week. If the fields are fast, you can keep it away from Steve Ginn and his ability to dive from home plate to left field. Forecast calls for rain this week (can't believe it) so I've got EPO winning 4-3. Stevey gets thrown out rounding 3rd too wide with 1 out in the 5th is the difference. Natural Light Man (or Woman) of the Match:  BShaw for dropping all those fly balls when NDW played EPO, thus over rating them and forcing me to pick them so we can laugh when he does it again. Sorry for run on sentencing.

No Dead Weight vs. Exotic Pet Owners

The match up everyone who's not a Shaker wants to see. The fan favorite No Dead Weight versus Steve Ginn and the rest of whatever team Brandon used to play on. I'm sure everyone remembers the last time these 2 played. EPO shocked the world and sent BShaw to therapy for 3 weeks. NDW tends to get over pumped for these games and that should keep the score close. Expect the complaining to be an annoying factor with probably 3 or 4 people being tossed (depending how much I've had to drink). You know the mind games will be at an all time high. Papi will be behind the plate talking trash and Faley will be creeping around the outfield staring at people. In the end depth will prevail as NDW takes it 3-2. Natural Light Man (or Woman) of the Match: Jason Sparks for reffing this game without murdering someone.



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