Week 5 Superhero

Welcome to week 5! Lots and lots of shutouts last week as the top teams are starting to figure out how to play kickball again (apologies to MDC, PW, FTB and TC). Muff N Bez seemed to have kissed and made up #winsbeforefriends, and T2R almost looked like NDW last week. Hopper has decided to give out a pitcher to the best mustache this week at Dewey’s. I’m on to you buddy, the Red Sox just moved on and my beard is going no where. Fear the beard! It’s that time of the season where I start sandbagging for the playoffs so any and all recaps and commentary of your game is appreciated!

Coaches Poll

Muff N Men (6)
Hand Made Love (2)
Rum Riot
Time 2 Retire
Prestige Worldwide
The Closers
Ma Dixon Cider
Fall-Tea Balls

KBCS Power Rankings for Week 5

Tweeked the formula.

#8. Fall-Tea Balls - .655
These drunk fucks made an impressive no show last week. Scattering trash all over the field, chucking bottles over the fence and smashing hot sauce laced popcorn in peoples eyes (maybe that was all just one person). FTB and MDC are setting up for a battle of who probably loses to MNM in the last week of the season.

#7. Ma Dixon Cider - .699
If you got runs for every empty beer can then this list would be ending with MDC and FTB because we all know those 2 teams consume about 50% of the beer drank at the fields (by Superhero league… Lighthouse knows how to party and I’m joining them next season… depending on the Wonderkic test).

#6. The Closers - .709
These guys looked good in the beginning of the season but have since fallen into mediocrity. You know you’re in trouble when some captains rank my team ahead of you. Hopefully Cobb and company didn’t blow their load when they beat HML earlier this season.

#5. Prestige Worldwide - .775
PW was picked twice as number one last week, then T2R pounded on them and leapfrogged them in the rankings. Still not entirely sure why Stevey doesn’t play catcher, but what do I know, my team hasn’t won a game with bunts in like 4 months. Potential upset against TC this week if PW isn’t sharp.

#4. Time 2 Retire - .826
I think I’m like 1-4 picking T2R games this season. They’ve gone so far as to chant the score they are predicted to lose by pregame. Game on. You may have stolen my worst player, but you’re not using  the GMoT against me this week. T2R also lucks out by playing MDC who have taken a combined total of 7 pitches this season.

#3. Rum Riot - .888
The defense is rated at or near the top in every category, and hitting Bez in the face last week certainly got RR a lot of love in the coaches poll, but I’m still not on board with the offense. Heard cries for a JSparks comeback to reffing last week. Sorry folks, I’m busy dominating at bowling.

#2. Hand Made Love - .904
HML has rode the easiest schedule so far to a #2 rank without Steve. This week’s double header will show us how good they really are against a solid defense and a formerly solid team that might be figuring things out. Maybe they kill 2 birds with one stone and get TShaw to babysit for Steve.

#1. Muff N Men - .959
After one hiccup last week that nearly resulted in Bez retiring from WAKA, Muff N Puff rebounded and picked up 2 wins last week. Rumor has it that Bez borrowed some good stuff from someone he’ll never pay back and got Joey so high that he forgot why he was mad at him (among other things). MNM should cruise to the #1 seed with no real competition left for them to face before playoffs.

This Week’s Games

Fall-Tea Balls vs. Muff N Men
Should be your prototypical juggernaut running over the team that’s too drunk to figure out what game they are playing. MNM win 9-1.

Hand Made Love vs. Time 2 Retire
Co Game of the Week. I don’t know who will show up for either team and I think HML is due to stink it up. T2R wins 423,728,627,852-4.

Prestige Worldwide vs. The Closers
Couple teams that have impressed and depressed on a week to week basis. This game should end in a tie, but I’m not in the business of predicting ties (or correctly). PW wins 5-3.

Rum Riot vs. Hand Made Love
Co Game of the Week. This one has 0-0 tie written all over it, but ties are for people with real jobs and this is kickball. HML squeaks it out 1-0.

Time 2 Retire vs. Ma Dixon Cider
This has all the makings for an upset. T2R needing a ride home because the RTP bus doesn’t run past 7:30. MDC having the right amount of booze in them to forget how bad they are at bunting. T2R cramping up after their first game. Too bad MDC has always found a way to lose. T2R wins 193,712,763,131-2

Thanks folks!


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