Superhero Week 3

            Hola! Get your Corona's ready and wax those dirty staches, because it's Ocho de Mayo week and it's beautiful out. This well be an action packed week. We've got sloshball, Bruins, the NFL draft, and a giant Matt Shaker pinata. Also, we have some of the best games you'll see all season. Last week was practically uneventful. All the teams that should have won, did (except NDW). Then only four people showed up to Pat's Pizza to rage and I'm pretty sure OPT was closed. I'll give the league a pass on last week because most of us thought we weren't playing. Don't be a MexiCan't tonight.

Week 3 Power Rankings

#10. Kick Tease - Rough start for these guys. Superhero league is a grind for new teams. You just got to push through and remember that some teams rarely win but have way more fun than some of the best teams. 

#9. Pitches Be Krazy - Hopefully last week's forfeit was an anomaly. Hate to see people who are willing to show up every week get screwed over. PBK looked like they got a taste of slosh last week. Oddly enough, the schedule makers missed the fact that the Muffs play PBK in 2 consecutive weeks.

#8. The UntouchaBalls - This regimen of Thursday day drinking starting at 3 is really making these guys look bad on the field. It's still early in the season and the Balls didn't have the luxury of 3 "warm up" weeks like a couple teams. Look for them to flex their muscles tonight in a friendly game of sloshball.

#7. Pocket Pounders - HML gave these guys the welcome that I thought that Rum Riot would give them last week. The Pounders get a chance to take out their anger on KT this week, which should keep things quiet, and that's a good thing because rumor has it PP is about as popular as Donald Sterling among WAKA officers.

#6. Chug Norris - Eventually the Chugs will play a team with a win, but not this week. Got to give them props for being the only team with the nuts to play The Untouchaballs in sloshball. Not a very good idea to have the Chugs and the Balls reffing games after sloshball.

#5. Muff N Puff - Another team with a cream puff schedule to start the season. The cake walk continues as they get another chance to play PBK this week (if they have enough people show up). Haven't seen much from them because apparently I have to ref every week but I hear that 0 runs allowed isn't bad.

#4. Rum Riot - RR got back on track last week (The Balls are a good team to get back on track against). That should give them some confidence heading into their showdown with WCoH. They played a good defensive game and pair that with a drunk opponent and family members reffing and you got yourself a shut out.

#3. We're Coming on Home - They were oh so close to knocking off NDW last week. Not sure if their defense got tense in the moment or if they just needed their captain (who didn't want to be in the same country when she played her former team) to give them an emotional pep talk. Either way they looked great for 4 innings, it's just too bad we play 5.

#2. No Dead Weight - Anyone who knows NDW should know that a tie is a loss for these guys. Even a 1 run win is a loss to some of them. One thing that's scary is NDW scored 3 runs with the bottom of their order last week against a pretty solid team. 

#1. Hand Made Love - HML cruised last week against PP. They piled on the runs and didn't allow them to do anything offensively. TShaw was seen giving the "they are who we thought they were" speech post game. Huge game this week against NDW, which could be a finals preview.

This Week's Games

Hand Made Love (-1) vs. No Dead Weight
Game of the week. Like I said earlier, this could be a finals preview. HML has looked as good as possible this season, with 0 runs allowed (granted it's been 2 games and 1 was against a newer team). NDW hasn't really looked that great, but have managed to avoid losing so far this season. I'm picking HML for the sheer fact that the conditions will be nearly perfect tonight and they are less likely to make a mistake in the infield. If NDW can get The Legend to make an appearance this week, then we could have a new number 1 next week.

Muff N Puff (-6) vs. Pitches Be Krazy
These guys should know each other well considering they played just last week in a friendly game of sloshball. This stuff is what happens when a Lighthouse guy runs the Superhero league. Look for the Muffs to cruise easily again.

The UntouchaBalls (-3) vs. Chug Norris
This is the REAL game of the week as 2 sloshball juggernauts go at it. Rumor has it this will be a friendly game where score won't matter and the 2 teams will take a tie so my line is based on sloshball score and not what will appear on the website. The Balls were built for sloshball (kind of a stupid strategy huh?) so I can't see them losing tonight.

We're Coming on Home (-1) vs. Rum Riot
Another great match up this week. We get the top 2 teams in a game and the 3 and 4 teams going at it. I'm giving WCoH the slight advantage this week because of the depth of their line up. That's not meant to be a knock against RR (or maybe it is).

Pocket Pounders (-5) vs. Kick Tease
PP has the smallest team in the league right now and KT is adjusting to the Superhero lifestyle. Look to see PP jump to a big lead early, and they seem like the type of team to pour it on so 5 runs might not be a big enough spread. That's if some of their team doesn't think they play at Deering Oaks instead.

See ya next Thursday!


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