Lighthouse Week 7!


We have arrived at Week 7, forever known as the week that was not meant to be. Maybe it's Hopper's lack of attendance this week, Corliss' bad luck finally catching up to us, or maybe even the derecho (thanks Joe Cupo) that is covering a quarter of the country. One thing is for certain.... it's going to rain harder than Hopper's tears after the Tinderellas were handed their first loss of the season by the S3XT Panthers.

Surprisingly, my colleague was able to produce some recaps for us. Take it away Hop.

Misfits V Swamp Donkeys:

It is evident that the Swamp Donkeys are the Dark Horse in the League after last weeks matchup. The first few innings couldn't have looked any better for the Misfits as they came out with an early lead. It wasn't until James Moore rubbed his gingery patch on his face that the Donkeys got some good luck. They kicked it up a notch and ran the Misfits into the ground. Scott and Chris' email has been flowing with suggestions to make an extra and easier league next season, one that the Misfits can play in, in hopes that they can secure a few wins in the future. Who knows if that would even help.

S3XT Panthers V Tinderellas

In a battle of a team that has sucked the past few seasons and finally got good for once, versus a team that has been sandbagging the lighthouse league for multiple seasons, this matchup was a let down. The tindies showed up soft, which for pitcher Steve Gorham's sake, is unheard of, and could never get the ball rolling. To their defense they were down 2 good outfielders and played a man down the entire game. Despite what Corey "I'm too much of a coward to play superhero" Horr has to say his team showed their true colors early, as they're game plan for a few of their top tier players(in the lighthouse league) was to take 9 pitches at bat(yeah a full count) and walk. Yeah, their best kicker wanted to win so bad against a team that played 5 guys and 5 girls that he opted out of kicking and enjoying the game, just to get on. After that the runs started rolling in for the Sext Panthers, who are now the best team in the league without a doubt. Corey can brag all he wants about whooping a team that was down a few good players and toot his own horn all he wants, but we all know which team had more sex that night and that my friends defines a true winner.

Interesting rendition of the game Hop... I'll give you that much. Let's dissect what really happened. Well before the game even started, the Tinderellas were searching for excuses, forcing a couple players to no-show so they could play a player down. The Panthers showed up as if this was just another kickball game against another mediocre team, and lo and behold, they were right. Smart at-bats and Gorham's inability to roll a kickball in a straight line led to early trouble for the Tinderellas. After several defensive errors by the Tinderellas third baseman, the Panthers jumped out to an early lead and never looked back. The highlight of the entire game for the Tinderellas came when their best player, Lisa, scored their only run on the night. What many believed to be a preview of this season's championship game leaves many analysts to question if the Tinderellas can even make it that far. In a game that was never really close, the Panthers won easily, 5-1.

We Only Come From Behind V Ball Busters

If you are a new team in the league, and you want a confidence boost, than WOCFB is the team you hope to matchup against. What are you guys waiting for? Playoffs? Stop shooting blanks all season and start coming from behind. We are tired of making jokes of your team name only to get let down. The ball busters can feel good about this win but lets be real here, barely winning against a team that receive mail by AARP isn't something to brag about. Get over it.

We've got the Runs V Ex Panthers

Kickballs favorite result, a 1 v 1 tie. Now we don't really know what happened in this game because all of you are too lazy to take 3 minutes to sum up a game, but we can assume 2 scenarios here: This game was an epic Defense Battle or both teams are horrible at offense. Now given our history of WGTR's defense, and the fact that Ex Panthers have Jim "The Proclaimers" Baum, we would have to assume that  WGRT cheated. For those of you who aren't as smooth as the Gspot Crew, go to youtube and search for The Proclaimers- 500 Miles 10 hours, and watch it to it's entirety for being so sheltered. But really, don't tie, it's about as cool as living in your parents basement (sorry Kevin Bailey!).

Thanks for the recaps Hopper. Now for some predictions...

Swamp Donkeys vs EX Panthers - 0-0

Ball Busters vs We've Got The Runs - 0-0

We Only Come From Behind vs S3XT Panthers - 0-0

Tinderellas vs Misfits - 0-0

There you have it. Our prediction is there will be no games played this week, however, the Misfits will still manage to be the drunkest team of the week. Be sure to text Hopper at 6:00am tomorrow asking if the games are on and play flip cup on the 2nd floor of Rivalries.

You stay classy Lighthousers.



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