Week 2!


                   Apparently we are on to week 2. I don't remember week 1, so as far as I'm concerned it never happened. All of this is just conjecture... Week 1 was an absolute slopfest on and off the fields. I think we had 3 ACL's torn (Too soon, E? Whit?), 7 face plants, and at least 5 wasted beers. But, I guess that's what happens when 18 feet of snow melts in 2 weeks and a bunch of drunk people try to play a game traditionally played by 8 year olds. There was only 1 upset(?) last week and I heard Lighthouse started their season too. This week is super hero/villain week. I'm going as "Drunkman" and my super power is the ability to drink all day and not get hung over! 

             The benefit of 6 teams is I can bang this out in half the time like I do with work and everything else in my life. 

Week 2 Rankings

#6. Balls on your Shin (0-1)
Probably should enjoy the view from the bottom because that's where you're most likely going to be this season. Highlight of last game was Timmy's bases loaded no out bunt that led to no runs and ruined 3 of my Draftkings line ups. 

#5. Tinder Rejects (0-1)
It's never easy playing NDW week one. Those guys play year round and take kickball more seriously than work. Pair that with Shaker pitching like he belongs in the Sox rotation and there's no way you're coming out (with a win). Cheetah Joey scores team MVP honors for being the first person to win a shot off Papi that I'm sure he'll never see.

#4. Hand Made Love (0-1)
HML played so poorly last week that Floyd was begging TShaw to come out of retirement. Rum Riot was kind enough to gift them a run so they wouldn't quit and go to Lighthouse. Not even Steve can save these guys from what's going to happen tonight.

#3. Jugs & Thugs (1-0)
Convincing win over a team that hasn't convinced anyone that they've played before. Talbot messaged me pregame and said him and Brandon weren't going to be there and all I told him was that's 2 less people the ref has to worry about ejecting. Things will get a little tougher tonight.. But not much.

#2. Rum Riot (1-0)
"Yawn." That was Pierce's response when I asked how their game went last week. Pretty sure I saw RR playing four square in the outfield due to sheer boredom. They are now the team most likely to finish 2nd this season.

#1. No Dead Weight (1-0)
NDW looked halfway decent last week. All the cobwebs were dusted off and the relationship weight lost. The Legend rumors have officially been squashed with registration closing a couple days ago. That's why you marry people on your team, folks (Corliss, all of Rum Riot, Shaker & Greg). Bez made his not very anticipated return and Dena punch ruined any chance of me remembering anything.

Tonight's Games

No Dead Weight (-4) v. Hand Made Love
Papi told me today that he wants to "spank" HML tonight, so try not to get too drunk before we play. Jokes on you asshole, I'm already drunk. HML will probably score in the first (another shot!) and that's about it. Look for NDW to pile it on and win 5-1.

Jugs & Thugs (-1) v. Tinder Rejects
This game should be a good one. J&T are pretty solid all around and TR is fairly well rounded as well. This one will come down to the 5th and now that the fields have dried out a bit, I'll take the Jugs 3-2.

Rum Riot (-4) v. Balls on you Shin
RR should ho hum their way through this game. Maybe a couple of them will even get married in left field this week (Mac?). 5-1.


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