Week 5 Power Rankings

We were back in action last week after Hurricane Scott showed up and got kickball canceled. Had I realized he was going to be the interim-interim commissioner for one week, I definitely wouldn’t have predicted a rainout-less season, so I’m not counting it against me. NDW was back in action after their disappointing Vegas showing for a double header. I blacked out last week and ended up waking up in someone elses shirt. Other than that, nothing too exciting happened last week. Let’s change that this week.

Week 4 Scores & Notes

WAKA Shame (1-3) 18, Balls Deep (0-3) 0
No mercy given here as WS picks up a much needed win.

No Dead Weight (3-1) 5, Brazzers (2-1-1) 2
Kind of odd seeing NDW as the team having fun and the other team as the ones bitching and moaning. Vegas hasn’t slowed them down one bit.

Roll Another Bunt (1-3) 4, Rum Riot (2-2) 2
Big upset of the week here. I did say earlier this season that RAB had some potential though.

The Aristocrats (3-0-1) 3, Tea Tea Twisters (2-1-1) 3
I heard these guys played 17 innings and remained tied. Probably a good thing seeing as WAKA only approves scores after 5 innings maximum!

No Dead Weight (4-1) 5, Muff N Men (2-2) 0
Thankfully Bez didn’t cramp up this game or it might have been closer.

Swamp Donkeys (3-1) 3, We Play With Moobs (2-2) 1
Larry Bruni for MVP

Gronki-Punch (2-1-1) 3, That’s What She Said (2-2) 0
A good defensive game with no bunts allowed. A JSparks 3 run homer was the difference.

If anyone wants to submit recaps or whatever for their games rather than me commenting, then feel free to email scorliss@kickball.com and he will make sure I get them. I might even give you credit.

Week 2 KBCS Standings

Seems like there are 4 groups of 3 and one group of 2 at the bottom. Plenty of weeks to go to shake things up though.

No Dead Weight   2,542
The Aristocrats   2,442
Tea Tea Twisters    2,435
Gronki-Punch    2,150
Brazzers                2,107
Muff N Men                2,020
Rum Riot                1,855
WAKA Shame   1,852
Swamp Donkeys   1,827
Roll Another Bunt    1,567
We Play With Moobs    1,535
That's What She Said  1,427
Lucky Strike                  963
Balls Deep                  248

Power Rankings Week 5

#1. NDW (Last week:1, NC)
Two convincing wins against 2 pretty good teams keeps NDW in the top spot. I’m not sure what happened in Vegas (since it stays there?) but these guys looked loose and almost seemed like a team this week.

#2. Tea Tea Twisters (Last week:3, +1)
A tie paired with a Rum Riot loss moves the Hoff’s up to the number 2 spot this week. Big game coming up this week against the Porn Stars.

#3. The Aristocrats (Last week:4, +1)
Their first true test this past week ended in a tie. They showed that they can hang with the bigger teams. The NDW game is looming in a couple weeks.

#4. Brazzers (Last week:5, +1)
The Porn Stars got their first loss of the season against NDW. Plenty of ref abuse by these guys as well. Better get it together this week for another tough game.

#5. Gronki-Punch (Last week:7, +2)
The Gronks did their job in a game they were supposed to win. Offense is still looking shaky but the defense and pitching (Sparks for Cy Young!) have been good.

#6. Rum Riot (Last week:2, -4)
Tough loss last week against a team that was better than their record. Not quite sure how you beat NDW (GMoT refuses to recognize “forfeitgate”) and lose to RAB...

#7. Swamp Donkeys (Last week:8, +1)
The Donks sure are taking advantage of their “light” schedule. But, the power rankings don’t lie. #7 may be being generous.

#8. Muff N Men (Last week:6, -2)
The offense’s inability to do anything coupled with the defenses inability to stop NDW translates into a convincing loss.

#9. WAKA Shame (Last week:9, NC)
Sorry Shaker, a merciless beat down of the bottom team doesn’t help you too much in the rankings. Win this week, then you’ll see some movement.

#10. Roll Another Bunt (Last week:12, +2)
Big win for the stoners this past week. This could be one of those teams you don’t want to see in the first round of the playoffs.

#11. We Play With Moobs (Last week:10, -1)
The Moobies had their chance to beat one of the beatable better teams and let me down.

#12. That’s What She Said (Last week: 11, -1)
Solid defense in a kicking only game. One mistake was the difference between near the bottom and in the middle.

#13. Lucky Strike (Last week:14, +1)
Lucky moves up a spot despite not playing. That’s what happens when the team that’s no below them get smoked.

#14. Balls Deep (Last week:13, -1)
Another beat down from one of the more explosive offensive teams. There’s only one direction to go from here!

A Look Ahead

#5. Gronki-Punch vs. #11 We Play With Moobs
The Gronks defense should prove to be the difference in this game (since their offense hasn’t yet). Gronks win 4-1.

#7. Swamp Donkeys vs. #12. That’s What She Said
If this game is kicking only it will be low scoring, but I don’t think the Donks will go for it. SD will win big with bunts 9-2.

#3. The Aristocrats vs. #14. Ball Deep
Poor BD... This won’t be close. TA wins 13-0

#1. NDW vs. #10 Roll Another Bunt
Doesn’t get any easier for RAB. NDW feasts on inexperienced teams. NDW rolls 9-0

#8. Muff N Men vs. #9 WAKA Shame
This will be a solid test for the Muffs but I think WS is back on the rise to the elite teams. WS squeaks it out 3-2.

#2. Tea Tea Twisters vs. #4. Brazzers
Game of the week alert. Fields should be nice and sloppy for the late games. Makes for sloppy defenses. I’m calling the upset this week. Brazzers wins a close one 5-4.

#6. Rum Riot vs. #13. Lucky Strike
Rum Riot will be out for blood this week after losing. Should be an easy win. 7-0

See you all on the fields this week! Forecast calls for no rain (Thanks Kathleen!)

Last week 5-1-1
Overall 20-6-2


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