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Week 6 GMOT

Week 5 is done and here is a  few things we’ve learned so far this season: NDW is mad because I make fun of them a lot in my write ups so they are taking it out on every team they play. It doesn’t rain when Kathleen is in Maine on Thursday. Shaker’s team is horribly underachieving (but will probably win 2 playoff games). Decent teams with easy schedules are putting up video game numbers. Last week we had another walk off win, and our first walk off lights out win. There is a video of it on the Kickball Facebook page.

Week 5 Scores & Notes

No one submitted any recaps so it looks like my uninformed overly biased critique will do this week.

Gronki-Punch (3-1-1) 13, We Play With Moobs (2-3) 4
I guess calling out my team worked. Gronks piled up more runs in this game than their previous 4. Web gem goes out to Molly for her amazing play where she kicked the ball from the outfield and pegged a runner out at 2nd.

Swamp Donkeys (4-1) 2, That’s What She Said (2-3) 0
I’m guessing this was a kicking game. Well done defensively from the Donks grabbing the shut out.

The Aristocrats (4-0-1) 6, Balls Deep (0-5) 1
This was also a kicking game. TA stays unbeaten (until this week) easily.

No Dead Weight (5-1*) 10, Roll Another Bunt (1-4) 1
NDW dominated from start to finish as 8th string pitcher Houghton picked up the win walking a career low 1 person. Darcey became the first person kicked off the field by her own team this season. Congrats!

Muff N Men (3-2) 4, WAKA Shame (1-4) 2
I could hear Stevey flipping his shit from 2 fields away so I imagine WS lost on a blown call. The Muffs pick up another legit win and could be trouble in the playoffs.

Tea Tea Twisters (3-1-1) 2, Brazzers (2-2-1) 1
Twisters picked up the W on a “why did he make the throw to first base with the winning run on 3rd and less than 2 outs in a tie game in the last inning” blunder. Within 2 seconds of Lawson touching home, the lights went out.

Rum Riot (3-2*) 12, Lucky Strike (0-4) 0
Rum Riot letting off some steam with the beat down.

Kickball BCS Standings

No Dead Weight         2,508
Tea Tea Twisters         2,482
The Aristocrats         2,330
Gronki-Punch         2,112
Rum Riot                    2,006
Brazzers                    1,988
Muff N Men                    1,980
Swamp Donkeys         1,852
WAKA Shame                    1,846
Roll Another Bunt             1,550
That's What She Said       1,466
We Play With Moobs         1,432
Lucky Strike                      832
Balls Deep                       30

Week 6 Power Rankings

#1. NDW (Last Week:1, NC)
These guys look locked in and pissed off. I promised I wouldn’t smack talk NDW this week so that’s all I have to say.

#2. Tea Tea Twisters (Last Week:2, NC)
Solid win without their charger (congrats Shane!). The Hoffs have had a solid season all around with one of the top defenses and facing a top 3 strength of schedule.

#3. The Aristocrats (Last Week:3, NC)
Huge test this week against NDW. I doubt they will play kicking only. Scott has strategically scheduled me to ref elsewhere so i’m sure you guys will get someone who had never done it before.

#4. Gronki-Punch (Last Week:5, +1)
About time the offense made a guest appearance. Given the rest of their schedule, the Gronks could be looking at a first round bye.

#5. Rum Riot (Last Week:6, +1)
Riot took care of business this week and the rest of their schedule is looking pretty easy. They should be heading into the playoffs on a nice winning streak.

#6. Muff N Men (Last Week:8, +2)
The Muffs beat a potentially dangerous team in WAKA Shame. These guys look better every week and could be a bracket buster.

#7. Brazzers (Last Week:4, -3)
The wheels are officially coming off the Porn Stars. They just looked out of it on offense last week. Is it too late for Steve to register, Kathleen?

#8. Swamp Donkeys (Last Week:7, -1)
Big test for the Donks this week with Rum Riot. Hope they haven’t gotten too bored beating on the weaker teams with the easiest schedule thus far.

#9. WAKA Shame (Last Week:9, NC)
This team is confusing because I believe they have the talent to hang with or beat anybody but for some reason just can’t execute. Maybe it’s time Shaker mixes things up a bit.

#10. Roll Another Bunt (Last Week:10, NC)
Second hardest strength of schedule doesn’t make it easy on a team not used to bunting. Plenty of potential here though. Maybe with a Swamp Donkey schedule they would have done more damage this season.

#11. We Play With Moobs (Last Week:11, NC)
Moobies have been tumbling since hitting the tough part of their schedule. They look to right the ship against RAB this week.

#12. That’s What She Said (Last Week:12, NC)
Not much to say here. The offense has been non existent the past 2 weeks.

#13. Lucky Strike (Last Week:13, NC)
#14. Balls Deep (Last Week:14, NC)
Lumping these 2 together. Both teams should just look forward to week 7 when they play each other. It will be their only chance to win this season.

A Look Ahead

#5. Rum Riot vs. #8. Swamp Donkeys
The Donks have played the easiest schedule this season so far with their only loss coming against one of the better teams. I can’t see RR’s defense allowing too many runs this week. Riot wins 5-1.

#10. Roll Another Bunt vs. #11. We Play With Moobs
RAB should win this one easily but it will depend on the potency of the “product” they smoke pre game. I’m guess it’ll be close. RAB takes it 6-4.

#2. Tea Tea Twisters vs. #12. That’s What She Said
I imagine this will be a no bunting game. Either way Tea Tea’s should win rather easily 6-1.

#6. Muff N Men vs. #13. Lucky Strike
Doesn’t get any easier for LS this week but they should use these games as practice for next week when they play their only beatable team on the schedule. Muffs win 8-0.

#1. NDW vs. #3 The Aristocrats
Game of the week! NDW has been on a tear since Vegas. They lead the league in total defense and are in the top 3 in referee abuse. TA has been rolling through their cake walk schedule this season and have the most runs scored so far. Defense wins championships so I’m going with NDW 6-1.

#7. Brazzers vs. #9. WAKA Shame
Should be a good game with 2 teams that probably should be better than where they stand. I think WAKA Shame is overdue and Brazzers might be a little overrated. WS wins 3-1.

#4. Gronki-Punch vs. #14. Balls Deep
Gronks offense waking up last week plus a 7:50 game to loosen up the liver means bad news for BD. Gronks should cruise 7-0.

Remember, we play at Deering Oaks the rest of the season. See you all out on the fields!

Last Week 5-2
Overall 25-8-2



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