Final Week Rankings

I’m going to apologize in advance for this week’s GMoT. It’s going to be short and sweet. Had a super busy week and since I’m not being paid for this so, well, too bad. Leaving the power rankings out until Friday’s Playoff Preview since not all the games were completed this week and there really wouldn’t be any changes. Apparently the lights going out is Kathleen’s achilles heel as the rain outs were to Scott. Not all the games were finished last week and we have a packed schedule tonight.

Week 5 Scores & Notes

[sarcasm] Lots of nail biters this week [/sarcasm]

Rum Riot (4-2) 8, Swamp Donkeys (4-2) 1
Well played defensively and offensively by Rum Riot.

Roll Another Bunt (2-4) 7, We Play With Moobs (2-4) 0
RAB looks like a tough first round draw picking up their 2nd win of the season.

Tea Tea Twisters (4-1-1) 6, That’s What She Said (2-4) 0
The 2nd ranked Tea Tea’s take care of business in a less than exciting game.

Muff N Men (4-2) 8, Lucky Strike (0-5) 0
The Muffs show off their booting skills in the shutout.

Gronki-Punch (4-1-1) 9, Balls Deep (0-6) 0
Gronks pull out the shutout despite half the game being played after the lights had gone out.

Kickball BCS Standings

Two clear favorites for the “Natural Light National Championship Game Presented by The Hop Yard”. I will crown the first ever KBCS Champion Friday morning after all scores are submitted.

No Dead Weight         2,583
Tea Tea Twisters       2,510
The Aristocrats          2,274
Gronki-Punch             2,127
Rum Riot                     2,107
Brazzers                     2,060
Muff N Men                 2,030
WAKA Shame                1,880
Swamp Donkeys        1,700
Roll Another Bunt        1,695
That's What She Said 1,482
We Play With Moobs   1,213
Lucky Strike                  770
Balls Deep                    53

A Look Ahead
If the game was supposed to happen last week then please admire my copy/paste skills

#13. Lucky Strike vs. #14. Balls Deep
Game of the week! This game should be plenty exciting as neither team wants to go defeated this season. I’m sure it will be kicking only and my pick to win is Lucky Strike in a close one 4-3.

#7. Brazzers vs. #9. WAKA Shame
Should be a good game with 2 teams that probably should be better than where they stand. I think WAKA Shame is overdue and Brazzers might be a little overrated. WS wins 3-1.

#12. That’s What She Said vs. #3. The Aristocrats
This will be a good warm up game for TA. I’m sure it will be kicking only which will just keep the score down. TA rolls 6-0.

#4. Gronki-Punch vs. #8. Swamp Donkeys
Two question mark teams with the 2 easiest schedules in the league so far. The Gronks should pull it out in a close one 3-1.

#5. Rum Riot vs. #7. Brazzers
Rum Riot had their meltdown game already this season and Brazzers looks more and more vulnerable to a first round upset each week. Riot wins 4-2.

#1. NDW vs #3. The Aristocrats
NDW has been on a tear since Vegas. They are 2nd in the league in total defense and are in the top 3 in referee abuse. TA has been rolling through their cake walk schedule this season and have the most runs scored so far. Defense wins championships so I’m going with NDW 6-1.

#11. We Play With Moobs vs. #13. Lucky Strike
The Moobies are on a 4 game losing streak and will be looking to end that against LS. Moobs win 5-0.

#9. WAKA Shame vs. #10. Roll Another Bunt
WAKA Shame could be doubling or tripling their season’s win total in one night. It’s a late game so RAB will be nice and blazed and be no trouble for WS. 6-2.

#2. Tea Tea Twisters vs. #6. Muff N Men
The Muffs have been the surprise team of the fall so far and could be a sneaky team in the playoffs. Tea Tea’s have been playing lights out defensively since losing to NDW and could steal the KBCS title with a solid showing. Tea Tea’s pull out the win 3-1.

Thanks for reading and keep your eyes peeled for my Playoff Predictions on Friday night. There will be a different feel and I’m sure half the league will not talk to me on Saturday!

Last Week 5-0
Overall 30-8-2



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