Week 5 Recaps

NDW 8 - Catch Her in The Eye 4

After a week if heavy one sided public trash talk, NDW showed up with exactly 9 players for our Thursday night clash. In a very un-NDW like way, we chose to be home given the fact our defensive alignment looked less than great. After working ourselves into quite the jam in the first, NDW managed to get out of it only giving up 1 run. Time for the beatdown! Not quite. NDW's guys managed 3 hits, 1 double play and a pop out to end the inning. 1-0 Catch Her in The Eye. Crap, maybe the trash talk wasn't such a good idea?

No worries though because the NDW girls took over and aided by a few (okay, a shitload) of fielding errors by Catch Her, NDW blew the game wide open to the tune of 8-1 over the next 2 innings. Trash talk was totally a good idea! In the top of the 4th, Catch Her got the top of their lineup up again and stepped on the gas thanks to Ryan Houghton inexplicably trying to peg a girl going home, he missed and threw it down the hill, 2 runs in, 8-4, point spread blown. Thanks for making my prediction look bad. From there Catch Her went down in the 4th and never really got much going in the 5th. Game over, with the top of the NDW line-up on deck just in case.

Next week NDW moves on to the Exotic Pet Owners, who might be my favorite team in the league (including NDW) What's not to love? Offense is shaky and new players are still learning so we're going to win, but I'll spare them the trash talk only because I know Mike Floyd could respond with something 3 times as bad and 4 times as funny. I kind of hope he does anyways.


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