
Showing posts from May, 2013

Week 6 Rankings

Week 6 Power Rankings           Sorry for not updating last week. Had some personal stuff that some of you know about. I'll make up for it this week.            There are rumors circulating of a "Chug Off" crown, after the video of Sing vs. Wade went viral. The rules would be: The champion has to take on any and all challengers. The challenger provides the beer. Can only challenge the current champion once a week at Dewey's. If the champion is too drunk or does not want to drink anymore, he or she forfeits their crown and can try again next week. Champion must show up to Dewey's. Champion can only be challenged 3 times in one week. Current champion gets 1 free pitcher of Bud Light or Shipyard.           One flash of lightning at 4pm cancels what otherwise would have been a beautiful night for kickball a few weeks ago, but yet we played last week in steady rain. Very confusing... Even Dewey's loo...


!!!POWER-RANKINGS!!! East Bound and Down #1: Although they tied in Week 3, we cannot overlook the fact that this team is playing for a tryout on NDW and the Superhero League, and the rest of the league is here for the beers and the headache that ensues on Friday morning at work. With that kind of driving factor, we cannot see this team letting the pain of Week 3 drag them down. Roll Another Bunt #2: After their strong performance against EBD, they proved to the rest of the league that they're ready to grind it out with a full set of lungs. Saved by the Ball #3: They have yet to let up a run all year in their Lighthouse League games, however, they have yet to play the top tier teams. Time will tell if this team will overtake the top spot. Team Death Pig #4: After an impressive defensive performance, Team Death Pig overtakes the team they stepped all over in Week 3, proving they are contenders in the Lighthouse League. Smoosh Moosh Panthers #5: Taking the ...
Week 4 Predictions         Short and sweet this week folks. Last week kickball was cancelled, then uncancelled, then recancelled. I'm counting that as 2 rain outs for The Rain Man. Sloshball happened, I think, with my team and T'keela Mockingbirds pretty much covering who showed up. Long story short, it was a blast as always and after numerous web gems, my team won (as usual). Early Games Richard Don't Know vs. Beast From the East Is it weird to think this one may end up as a forfeit? Guess it depends on when Mac and gang leave for Vegas. Either way, BFE should grab their first win and will most likely walk through Dewey's like they beat NDW. BFE wins 5-0. No Dead Weight vs. T'keela Mockingbirds Old school bitching and moaning versus new school bitching and moaning. Can't wait to base ref this one! This one will be close for a couple innins until NDW breaks it open like they always seem to. NDW wins 6-1. Late Games It Ain't Gonna K...

Week 3 Lighthouse League Predictions

After two weeks of writing this blog, we would like to publicly announce that we are perfect in our predictions. We honestly do not understand why we cannot place bets in Vegas on these games, probably because they know we'd bring down the house. Also, we received ZERO submissions for bachelor/bachelorette of the week (step it up SBB). Let it be known that we will be picking random people from here on out if we do not get any submissions, and trust us, we've ruined marriages before. Until then, another week of the G-Spot for all your enjoyment. GAME OF THE WEEK RAB vs EBD: In this weeks GOTW, we have of battle of epic proportions. We received an anonymous tip from an inside source (Buster Olney) that the pitcher from EBD tested positive for an unidentified substance (also known as deer antler spray) so we will have to see in the upcoming days if a suspension will follow. RAB has been holding double sessions (one at 4:20 AM and one at 4:20 PM), and we are predictin...
Week 3 Power Rankings Here we are at week 3 and Scotty's Lou Gehrig like "good weather" streak is in jeopardy. Dating back to last time he was commissioner, we are currently at 3 weeks without a rain out. Amazing! With the inevitable rain out coming Thursday at some point this season, I figure it would be a great time to remind everyone the rules of Sloshball!  Sloshball: You must have a beverage in hand at all times. Beer is recommended. A lot of beer may be consumed so Twisted Teas and other sugary drinks may give you diabetes. Game is played barefoot or in socks.  In the field: A girl must pitch and slow roll.  You may only use one hand to catch and throw. Everyone can play the field. Up to bat: You must crack a fresh beer when you step up to the plate and hold it at all times. KICKING ONLY! Bunting is for NDW. 2 fouls is an out. 2 people can stack on each base. (So it's not a force at 2nd unless there's 2 people on 1st, etc.) You CANNOT score unti...
We apologize for the delay in the G-Spot this week – we placed some bets at the Kentucky Derby with some questionable characters and had to temporarily put our laptops on “loan” until we could make the payment. Regardless, we present to you Week #2 of the G-Spot for all your viewing pleasures. POWER RANKINGS #1: East Bound and Down EBD had another powerful showing. Kenny F'in Powers had another stellar performance and has yet to allow a run while leading the league in scoring. One has to ask the question if the team can remain healthy between their steroid cycles and rapidly deflating balls (kickballs, of course). #2: Roll Another Bunt RAB is flying high but we couldn't tell if they decided to dress in the theme week or if they wore their everyday clothes. On another note, can we make sure the tournament at the end of the year isn't during the Phish reunion concert? We don't want them to forfeit the playoffs. The team looked great in a cross-ove...

Week 2 Superhero Rankings

Week 2 Rankings If you don’t remember or weren’t reminded Friday morning, we opened the kickball season last week. I’d like to congratulate everyone who came out for tapping the bar out of Miller Lite’s. I haven’t seen Elena that angry since Shaker took the “Best Mexican Player” title from her when she ruined her ACL. Bez set the bar early this season by getting iced at least 5 times, and puking in a urinal (video below). I think we can do better this week everyone. Brian, Wade, and Beth (from It Ain’t Gonna Kick Itself) had interesting rookie Thursdays last week. Brian lost his phone, and scraped up his hand in a steam roller incident. Wade somehow managed to lose his shoes. And Beth spent all day Friday puking. I remember my first kickball Thursday (NOT). Meanwhile, I made it to work no problem on Friday and dominated my 9 hour shift #veteran. This week is Tacky Clothes week. So dress like an idiot. Come out to the bar and stay out late. You may get to see Sco...