Week 4 Lighthouse League Update

In a shocking turn of events, we received our first recap of the Lighthouse season, submitted by none other than our very own CHopper. This is unedited, unfiltered and extremely bias, but a recap nonetheless....

Swamp v tinderellas- tinderellas came to play fueled up by some gatoRage and started whooping the donkeys like they were a piƱata on Steve Heads super sweet sixteen. The donkeys could never get momentum because they were shook up by all the trash talking these lighthouse lushes on the other team were doing. 

Smoosh v tinderellas- as predicted the tinderellas couldn't pace themselves drinking for a double header week. They had a nice lead an some great defense until the drunken 4th inning when smoosh got lucky on a couple plays to tie it up. The game finished in a boring tie because James Moore was still upset from the beat down he received right before and just wanted to go home instead of playing another inning. Although the anus' did not beat the powerhouse smoosh team, they have definitely seperated themselves from the lighthouse pack in the drinking department

Great work Hopper - on to the predictions.

WFI vs. SSP:

We're really sorry to play this joke out every week, really, we are, but Wait For It, what are YOU waiting for? To score more than one run a game? To escape an inning without an error? To win a game? For the season to be over or FOR ONE SINGLE PERSON TO SEND QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/FEEDBACK to mainegmot@gmail.com (because That.... Just.... Happened.) With that said, we know you have the potential to be a decent team... We suggest maybe shaking up the lineup, requiring all team members to drink three beers before the first pitch, or playing blindfolded this week. Try something, shake it up, be a wildcard. On the other side of the diamond we've got SSP. Solid defense has been a theme for this team all season, which was their Achilles heel in seasons past, but this year they can't seem to get runs across the plate. Maybe playing in that "big kid league" would be good for you, you know, since you can't seem to get the ball out of the infield, and obviously pop outs are really working for you. We predict this game to be the ultimate snooze fest, probably 1-0 SSP, while the over/under on Wait For It errors is currently at 5.5. Place your bets on the over now because even Vegas has bet the house on the over.


SD's Week 3 could be summarized as a Freshman at his first party; the first couple beers went down smooth, won a game or two of pong, maybe even scored an OTPHJ. The next few beers led to an introduction to the backyard bushes and a night in the local police station's drunk tank. And no, we are clearly not recalling our first night in college (sorry for partying Mom). We are talking about SD's impressive win in their first game, and their embarrassing show at their second game. WOCFB continued their dominance this season, separating themselves from the rest of the league becoming the only undefeated team left standing after two weeks. It all depends on which SD team shows up this week, and unfortunately, we're anticipating the latter. WOCFB continues their winning ways, 5-3.

PU vs. KD:

The PU's looked out of this world (Hallmark ™) in their first game against SD's last week, but came down to Earth (or ran out of booze) in their second game against SSP. The team is looking to string together some W's after their mediocre start to the season. The Kick Dogs, on the other hand, are looking to climb out of the dog house this week after suffering their worst loss of the season. Struggling to put runs across the plate and failing to make basic plays in the field is a recipe for losing, and unfortunately, the KD's are terrible cooks, so we predict the PU's to get back on track in Week 4. PU 8-2.

Updated power rankings - notice the two new teams are in the cellar - who could have seen that coming?



Since no questions were submitted we will do the asking this week. What are the chances that we will receive one game recap/question/bachelor-bachelorette of the week nominee for Week 4? We have our answer, but we'd like yours. Send it in to mainegmot@gmail.com and we'll post it next week.

Keep it classy Lighthouse,

-The GSPOT Team-


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