Week 2 Rankings

Week 2 Rankings

Sorry this is a little late this week, I was too busy winning Port Sports kickball championships... What a wet and wild week 1 we had on Thursday. We first would a like a moment of silence for the death of NDW this week............... Thanks. Who knew that changing their name to "Time to Retire" would be oh so fitting for a team that struggled against Cobb's team, then was completely dismantled by Muff N Men. As you may have guessed, we have a new #1 team this week. So, well done Muff N Bez, you guys can finally walk the walk AND talk the talk for once, so enjoy it. Wet field conditions inflated scores, and playing in the swamp that is the Payson softball field, you can expect it to be wet on a weekly basis. Big Mac should make a killing this season with all the swamp induced injuries, so buy some PCN stock and take next Summer off!

#8. Fall-Tea Balls (0-1) (LW: 7, -1)
FTB started their Fall off by dropping goose eggs for 5 innings against PW. Then Brian from MDC destroyed Kan Jam and Lawson wanted no part of Sing in a chug off. All and all a complete losing week. Really looking forward to FTB playing the best game they'll play all season this week against my team...

#7. The Closers (0-1) (LW: 8, +1)
Very well played first 4 innings against T2R that, depending on who was reffing, could have very well ended in a 1-1 tie. Never settle for a tie. There should be a tie breaker in WAKA. A chug off or a karaoke contest or really anything that isn't a tie. tying is something they do in tee ball so no one has to feel like a loser. Big test for TC this week playing MNM minus Bez.

#6. Ma Dixon Cider (0-1) (LW: 6, NC)
MDC has a wicked case of Matsuzaka syndrome. Cannot seem to get out of the first inning without giving up a bunch of runs, then they settle down and play solid defense. Despite letting us down in the chug off, America's Superhero debut was one of the many promising things this team has going for them. 6PM game this week means pregaming starts early. 

#5. Rum Riot (0-1) (LW: 5, NC)
Who would've thought MNM's toughest challenge last week would've been Rum Riot? The defense looked decent, but the offense couldn't really get anything going. Apparently I owe Dambrie an apology because she caught a ball and threatened to beat me up. Double header this week with what should be a good first game against PW.

#4. Time to Retire (1-1) (LW: 1, -3)
Oh, how the mighty have fallen after just one week. After just squeaking by TC in their first game, T2R was just over matched against MNM. Granted, it IS only week 1, and MNM seemed like they were playing like it was the championship. I figure T2R will bounce back by season's end, though Kerry has already expressed interest in joining another team for playoffs and they have more chicks on the roster than a WNBA team. It will only be a matter of time before Papi creeps a couple of them out so much that they quit or request a trade.

#3. Prestige Worldwide (1-0) (LW: 4, +1)
I assume PW won their game convincingly last week based on the lack of screaming and hollering on the field (or maybe I couldn't hear them over my bitching and moaning). Probably a good thing this is a bunting league because Stevey would've been kicked off this team after the sad performance he had Tuesday night. The sky's the limit for these guys! Boats n hoes!

#2. Hand Made Love (1-0) (LW: 3, +1)
Breaking news! Steve is back. He sent out a tweet last week that simply read "I'm back". He couldn't stand the thought of HML giving up runs to MDC or letting yours truly get on base by bunting. What does that mean? It means T2R is probably going 1-2 for the first time in their existence. 

#1. Muff N Men (2-0) (LW: 2, +1)
What can I say? I predicted a loss last week and MNM came out like it was the title game and beat NDW so bad that they changed their name. They will stand alone on the top until knocked down as NDW did. Hopefully Dustin's alright, I'm sure the extra week of rest and the foot massage by Rex Ryan Big Mac should bring him back to 100%. This season won't be as big of a cakewalk as Bez says it will. Really, any team can beat any team in Fall. Especially with consistently wet fields.

Rain outs always get me excited for sloshball! I know we're not playing tonight due to torrential rain and lightning (usually when we're rained out, it's sunny and beautiful by 4pm), so I thought I'd do a quick sloshball power rankings. These are by traditional rules not the watered down version we played in the Summer.

1. Ma Dixon Cider - Was there any doubt? You could put a super sloshball team together from the other 7 and I still think my team could win.

2. Rum Riot - Big boots and sturdy livers make for a solid sloshball team and these guys have both.

3. Time 2 Retire - Savvy veterans that have become "too cool" in recent seasons to play. T2R could still hold their own tonight if they had to.

4. Fall-Tea Balls - Twisted Teas have a higher alcohol content and more sugar that light beer, which would be FTB's downfall in later innings.

5. Prestige Worldwide - They wouldn't have to worry about bitching about calls because we settle all calls with a chug off!

6. Hand Made Love - Not sure if these guys even drink while they play or have ever even played sloshball outside of Shaker.

7. Muff N Men - Seeing Bez bump balls up rather than catch them and the fact that half the team doesn't drink or taps out after 2 innings makes these guys easy prey.

8 The Closers - Lack of overall kickball experience doesn't help in slosh.

Update: 9/19

Playing at the Oaks from now until we destroy that field, which is terrible for me because now I have to drive and my OUI fund hasn't been replenished yet. Bright and tight theme week tonight. I think my team won the bright portion and I promise I'll spare you all the "tight" this evening. Anyway, quick update with some picks.

This Weeks Games

Fall-Tea Balls vs. Time 2 Retire
The disaster formerly known as NDW is looking to rebound this week and probably couldn't have a better team to do it against (if anyone shows up). T2R (should) win 6-1.

Ma Dixon Cider vs. Rum Riot
This should be a pretty evenly matched game with 2 teams with very similar skill sets. The team that makes the least mistakes wins this one and for once that will be MDC, 5-4.

Hand Made Love vs. The Closers
2 weeks, top 2 teams for TC, and Steve Ginn is rumored to be back although I heard in his contract that Shaker is his personal servant for the season. HML wins 4-1.

Muff N Men vs. Prestige Worldwide
This should be a good game. Two of the better defenses in the league and usually in the NFL when that happens the game ends up 45-37. I'm picking MNM, 3-2.

Prestige Worldwide vs. Hand Made Love
Game of the week! PW is really getting tested tonight playing the only 2 teams ahead of them in the rankings. I like PW's chances this week, 4-3.

Last Week: 3-2 

Thanks for reading


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