Week 3 Predictions *Rained Out*

Week 3 predictions coming to you late after a call to bullpen for a relief picker because there's apparently a pretty good chance we'll play this week. I think after several years of data, Portland parks and rec realized that we're the only people who will actually pay to use the fields we play on so they no longer care what shape they're in. Without further ado...
RAB - VS: I really want to pick against RAB only because they have white shirts. That can't be a good thing this week can it? Seems like tide commercial in the making. That said I think VS might short some people due to getting married (join the Facebook group if you haven't already) and going on a honeymoon somewhere with better weather than here. RAB 5-2
TWSS - OBSK: Sticking with my color theme, OBSK is brown, and so isn't the mud they'll surely have to contend with on the field. That's gotta be good right? They also won the bar belt last week for their outstanding mexican display so they should be riding high looking to get another W. TWSS managed to take down Kenny Powers last week after losing the opener to pretty good PBC team. TWSS 6-4
EBD - PBC: PBC doesn't give up a lot of runs, unfortunately for them, they don't score many either posting 2 games that ended 2-1. EBD is also .500 but has a little less consistency it seems. This game is a coin flip. PBC 2-1
SP - KIAB: SP appears to be rolling. They are scoring quite a few runs a game which is pretty helpful to winning. I wish I could say the same for KIAB but 2 runs in 2 weeks is not really getting it done at the plate. Silver lining, they can play some D, only giving up 1 last week. Can they slow down SP? SP 6-1
BST - ROE: Battle of the winless teams! Both teams have had a rough week so who will get in the W column first? As much as I have faith in Sparks and his ability to throw strikes, I like the fact BST will wear denim no matter what. BST got beat less badly when you look at common opponents so they have that going too. BST 5-2
PRR - EPO: I've got too much bias in this game so sorry to both of you for punting on any sort of write up other than the fact the EPO's 1st baseman has the greatest name on his WAKA registration ever. PRR 6-1
Commish Update: That name you ask? "God's Gift" Shaw. 
DTGW - SD: I think the Spice girls had a song called when 2 become 1, this is kind of the opposite. Old team mates in a grudge match for pride! Actually I doubt anyone has any hard feelings anymore, but what do I know. DTGW looked like a contender this year, but they got blanked by a new team last week so there goes that. SD also got blanked by the same new team in week 1. I'm thinking that DTGW will get some help from the refs since the guy who runs the league who plays on the team. I'd start protesting now if I were the SD. DTGW 4-2
BATB - CHITE: the battle of the new teams. One is off to great start, actually sitting a top the table after 2 games, while the other has had a bit of a rough go so far. Hard to argue with results though. CHITE 5-0
NDW - WAS: 2 veteran 2-0 teams should make a great game right as they battle for the upper hand in the race for playoff seeding, right? Nope. NDW has no just won their games, they've dominated their games. WAS might be the 2nd best team in the league but I just don't them slowing down this offense. NDW 10-2


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