Week 4 Recaps

NDW 6 - Portland Rum Riot 2
Why do we even play these games? Can't we just agree to pay the $68 to register and then WAKA will just send NDW a Founder's Cup bid? It'd certainly save some of us a lot of weekly travel costs. We'd also save a bunch of cash booking flights to Vegas early rather than waiting until July to win our inevitable championship. 
Anywho, NDW showed up to the swamp to play a game that most us acknowledged would be tough. Unlike previous years when Loaded was anywhere from slightly to really over rated (Sorry, I'm not sorry), Rum Riot made some key pick ups and put together a really good team. They are, without a doubt, a top team this year. All due respect to the Shakers, Rum Riot is #2, you guys are 3 and the rest is kind of a wash to me (more on this later).
NDW opened the scoring with 2 runs in the first in classic NDW fashion, get the lead guys on, get Kerry to crush the ball, trot in from 3rd. 2-0. What we didn't expect was an onslaught from Rum Riot in the bottom of the 1st. They plated 2 runs on a bomb into CF where NDW inexplicably had no one. Fast forward a few non scoring innings and NDW got around to the top of their line up and rattled off 4 more runs in the 4th. Rum Riot had a bit of trouble getting the ball down the 2nd time through their line up but gave it a good run in the late innings getting runners on and threatening a few times. Tough game, good game and more importantly, fun game.
Looking ahead to next week. NDW is ripe for the picking fielding only 9 or 10 players, luckily we're playing a team I've never heard of before. What's that you say? They are in first place? I've heard they think they are the best team in the league. A cursory glance at the schedule shows they've scored 13 runs in 3 games vs teams with a combined 1 win, did they miss the memo that NDW is averaging 14 runs a week? I couldn't care less they've only given up 1 run all season. They'll be lucky to only give up 1 run in the first inning vs NDW. (For you gamblers out there, first inning O/U is 1.5 runs, take the over) They've yet to play to play any of the top 3 teams as declared by me. Beat one of them and then we'll talk, until then go find some new socks you copy cats.


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